COVID Protocols

January 18, 2022

Dear Parent/Guardian:

The North Dakota Department of Health (NDDoH) has provided updated guidance for the handling of COVID-19 cases in schools and childcare facilities based on recent changes recommended by the CDC. This letter is being provided to let you know how Trenton Schools will handle such instances of positive cases and close contacts. We will continue to monitor updates from the NDDoH as well as the CDC and update our protocols as needed.

It should be noted at the onset that schools may send children home or deny entry to individuals if they are exhibiting COVID symptoms, however, the school also realizes the importance of children being able to attend school. Parents should understand that, if a decision is made to send a child home or deny entry, this decision is being made for the well-being of all students and staff in our school.

Parents/guardians are reminded of the importance of monitoring their children for symptoms daily and to keep them home if they fit the following:

  • Have a fever of 100.4°F or higher, OR have experienced loss of taste and/or smell, OR
  • Have two or more of the following symptoms: fatigue, headache, muscle/body aches, chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, congestion/runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain.

How the school will handle individual cases depends on whether the student is positive for COVID, is determined to be a “home close contact,” or a “Non-home Close Contact.” The attached “COVID-19 Protocols” sheet details how the school district will handle these three different “scenarios.”

In addition, parents/guardians should understand that the school district does reserve the right to ask a student to wear a mask if they are exhibiting a symptom in school but may otherwise feel “healthy.” For example, a staff member may request that a student wear a mask if they have a sore throat, but is not coughing, sneezing, or exhibiting other symptoms.

Parents/guardians are encouraged to seek additional information on the NDDoH website at On their website is a “COVID-19 Calculator” that allows you to determine how long you should isolate or quarantine depending on your individual circumstances. This can be found at

Please feel free to contact the school at 701-774-8221 if you have any questions or concerns.


Matt Schriver, Superintendent